Unreal 2: The Awakening is a first-person shooter game developed by Legend Entertainment. It is the continuation of the first Unreal game.


Unreal 2 takes place 36 years after the events of the first game and its expansion pack. John Dalton, a Terran Colonial Authority Marshall patrols the deep space with his crew. He arrives at the TCA headquarters to get a new mission where he finds indestructible alien artifacts. It is later found out that the Scaarjes hunt these artifacts too with Izanagi and Liandri corporations catching up. Dalton has to fight off his enemies and figure out what to do with the mysterious artifacts.


At its release, Unreal 2 was a singleplayer-only title, but multiplayer modes were later added to the game.

The game's singleplayer is not much different from its multiplayer. The players traverse fairly open-ended levels either on foot or using the vehicles spawned on the level. Sometimes it is necessary to solve several puzzles or find some keys to continue further into the game. On several occasions, the players are required to hold a specific area with other non-playable characters and turrets helping them out.

The game's multiplayer mode is basically a port of Unreal Tournament 2004 that was embedded into Unreal 2 and features several gameplay changes, such as the addition of the class system.

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