Match ARCRED ARC vs DMS | 03.06

On June, 03 2024 15:00 (UTC) (in 3 weeks) ARCRED will fight against DMS in the Final Stage of the 2024 ESEA Advanced Europe S49 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

ARC match line-up is Get_Jeka, shg, SynyX, 1NVISIBLEE, DSSj.
DMS line-up is H1te, sm3t, kAlash, sFade8, AW.

Team ARC is ranked #61 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 67 places higher than DMS place #128.

Teams had no previous encounters.

ARC doing well by winning over 80.00% of their recent matches. While team DMS performs with 20.00% winrate.

ARC had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team DMS had 8 loses.