Match Endpoint EP vs 9INE | 07.06

On June, 07 2024 18:00 (UTC) (in 2 weeks) within Regular Phase of the 2024 Regional Clash Arena Europe Counter-Strike 2 Tournament Endpoint and 9INE will play a fight

Most of bookies agree that the team 9INE will win a Match with maximum odd of 1.53 offered by Pinnacle.

Team EP is ranked #124 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 17 places higher than 9INE place #141.

Teams had 7 encounters in the past, EP won 4 times. 9INE won 2 times.

EP current winrate is 30.00% against 9INE's 40.00%.

Team EP will be represented by Surreal, CRUC1AL, MiGHTYMAX, AZUWU, cej0t. Whereas Team 9INE is by raalz, refrezh, mantuu, Misutaaa, s0und.

EP had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team 9INE had 2 loses.