Match Illuminar Gaming Illuminar vs ENTERPRISE esports ENT | 13.06

On June, 13 2024 11:54 (UTC) (2 weeks ago) Illuminar Gaming will fight against ENTERPRISE esports in the Final Phase of the 2024 Regional Clash Arena Europe Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Teams had 5 encounters in the past, Illuminar won 2 times. ENT won 2 times.

Team Illuminar will be represented by Furlan, phr, Bielany, ultimate, ANeraX. Whereas Team ENT is by Sobol, demho, fr3nd, bajmi, ex1st.

Illuminar doing great by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team ENT performs with 50.00% winrate.

Team Illuminar is placed #112 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 5 places lower than ENT place #107.

Illuminar current streak is 1 loses against ENT's 3 loses.