Match VP.Prodigy VP.P vs HOTU | 13.06

On June, 13 2024 14:00 (UTC) (in 2 weeks) VP.Prodigy will fight against HOTU in the Final Stage of the 2024 Regional Clash Arena CIS Counter-Strike 2 Championship

Team VP.P is placed #101 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 48 places higher than HOTU place #149.

Team VP.P will be represented by xdENiSZERA, Shady, dwushka, KusMe, Something. Whereas Team HOTU is by lampada, mizu, anttzz, swiftsteel, fineshine.

Before this match team VP.P had won over team HOTU 0 times, while HOTU had 0 victories over VP.Prodigy.

HOTU doing great by winning over 30.00% of their recent matches. While team VP.P performs with 30.00% winrate.

VP.P had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team HOTU had 1 loses.