Match Galorys vs Intense Game Intense | 16.07

On July, 16 2024 14:00 (UTC) (9 hours from now) Galorys will fight against Intense Game in the Regular Phase of the 2024 CCT Season 2 South America Series #2 Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Before this match team Galorys had won over team Intense 0 times, while Intense Game had 1 victories over Galorys.

Team Galorys is placed #266 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 55 places higher than Intense place #321.

Galorys current winrate is 40.00% against Intense's 40.00%.

Team Galorys will be represented by detr0ittJ, hoax, ninjaZ, happ, Tomate. Whereas Team Intense is by Keiz, ckzao, fREQ, mxa, diozera.

Galorys had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team Intense had 1 loses.