LiftingandZombies Canal do Youtube

Canal do Youtube LiftingandZombies

Ver contagem: 4,394,248
Último Stream: há 1 dia [26 abril 2024 21:21] (NEW SHINY LAPRAS & PIKACHU EVENT IS NOW LIVE! Costumed Lapras / Shiny BOOSTED Lapras Spawns)
Registrado: há 8 anos (01 agosto 2015 23:19)
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Hey how's it going guys! Welcome to my channel - LiftingandZombies. I started this channel to initially post weight lifting videos and COD Zombies videos but, soon grew out of that. Now, I mainly post Nintendo games such as Pokemon Legends Arceus and Scarlet/Violet! If you like Pokemon, then make sure to subscribe! Thanks!

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