M3RKMUS1C Canal do Youtube

Canal do Youtube M3RKMUS1C

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Registrado: há 15 anos (22 abril 2009 22:15)
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What's up guys, this is M3RKMUS1C! I upload gaming videos covering COD 2022 (Modern Warfare 2 2022, Warzone 2 & MW2 2022), Call of Duty: Vanguard (COD 2021), Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War (Call of Duty 2020), Modern Warfare (Call of Duty 2019), Chinese Call of Duty (Call of Duty Online), throwback COD games, Battlefield 2042 & other Battlefield games, and much more! My channel is centered around funny moments, new dlc content for games, and mostly just having fun and goofing around! Also making some gaming Youtube Shorts here and there to spice it up. Kayrina is my bae ♡ UPLOAD SCHEDULE: New Videos on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, (and possibly Sunday) at 3PM Eastern Time SUBSCRIBE and click the notification bell so you don't miss any new videos! Bung the Booce you Dingi Ging Foog! ༼つ ◕-◕ ༽つ

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