Talking Tom Canal do Youtube

Canal do Youtube Talking Tom

Ver contagem: 14,027,464,313
Último Stream: Desconhecido
Registrado: há 13 anos (04 julho 2010 02:07)
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I’m Talking Tom and this is my super awesome, laugh-a-minute, crazy fun channel! 👍 This is a place of FUN FUN FUN! I post all kinds of videos for your entertainment (and mine 😜). You can watch funny Shorts, action-packed gameplay videos and trailers for my games, and even missions to save the world in Talking Tom Heroes! The fun never ends. So watch my videos and remember to hit SUBSCRIBE! It’s the best, super smartest thing to do. Otherwise, you’ll get massive FOMO and who wants that? Stay awesome, guys! 👌😎 Tom

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