Toadstar0 Canal do Youtube

Canal do Youtube Toadstar0

Ver contagem: 4,797,307
Último Stream: Desconhecido
Registrado: há 8 anos (27 setembro 2015 00:06)
Welcome to my corner of YouTube! Here we mostly play Minecraft, sometimes other stuff. I'm not allowed to call myself funny, as that apparently makes me lame. Milestones: 100 - 03/22/2015 500 - 06/19/2019 1,000 - 09/10/2019 2,500 - 11/20/2019 10,000 - 08/18/2020 25,000 - 10/24/2020 50,000 Goals for 2021: 50,000 Subscribers (Completed) -Launch a second channel for Let's Plays 100,000 Subscribers

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