악동 김블루 Canal do Youtube

Canal do Youtube 악동 김블루

Ver contagem: 1,401,401,788
Último Stream: Desconhecido
Registrado: há 12 anos (11 abril 2012 11:58)
Coreia do Sul Ícone da bandeira do país Coreia do Sul
안녕하세요 김블루입니다. 제 영상을 볼때만큼은 우리 쁠몬들이 항상 즐거웠음 좋겠습니다! Thanks for watching my video, and welcome to Kimblue's channel. All the videos in my channel are game videos played by me. I usually play GAME Thanks for reading my introduction and I want you to watch my other videos so that you can be captivated by my hidden attraction and I will be really glad if you subscribe me. I will be back with more videos that are more witty and fun. Don't forget to click "Like" and "Subscribe".

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