Match Team Spirit Academy TS.A vs HOTU | 30.05

On May, 30 2024 18:35 (UTC) (4 weeks ago) Team Spirit Academy and HOTU will play a fight within Final Stage of the 2024 ESEA Advanced Europe S49 Counter-Strike 2 Championship

Teams had 3 encounters in the past, TS.A won 0 times. HOTU won 2 times.

TS.A current winrate is 50.00% against HOTU's 30.00%.

TS.A match roster is alpha, syph0, alkarenn, Mokuj1n, kyousuke.
HOTU roster is lampada, mizu, anttzz, swiftsteel, fineshine.

Team TS.A is placed #66 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 83 places higher than HOTU place #149.

TS.A had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team HOTU had 1 loses.