Match MOUZ NXT NXT vs Dynamo Eclot Eclot | 08.06

On June, 08 2024 11:59 (UTC) (in 2 weeks) MOUZ NXT will fight against Dynamo Eclot in the Regular Phase of the 2024 Regional Clash Arena Europe Counter-Strike 2 Tournament

Teams had 5 encounters in the past, NXT won 3 times. Eclot won 2 times.

Team NXT is ranked #59 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 11 places higher than Eclot place #70.

Team NXT will be represented by Neityu, Chr1zN, PR, sirah-, Burmylov. Whereas Team Eclot is by blytz, kreaz, FORSYY, nbqq, Dytor.

Eclot doing well by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team NXT performs with 40.00% winrate.

NXT had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team Eclot had 2 loses.