Match 5W Gaming 5W vs Dynamo Eclot Eclot | 14.06

On June, 14 2024 11:55 (UTC) (1 week ago) at the Final Stage of the 2024 Regional Clash Arena Europe Counter-Strike 2 Tournament 5W Gaming and Dynamo Eclot will play a match

5W current winrate is 85.71% against Eclot's 60.00%.

5W had 4 wins in a row. Whereas team Eclot had 2 loses.

Team 5W will be represented by Thomas, REDSTAR, JoeLXD, h4rn, pr1metapz. Whereas Team Eclot is by blytz, kreaz, FORSYY, nbqq, Dytor.

Team 5W is ranked #82 among Counter-Strike 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 12 places lower than Eclot place #70.

Teams had no previous encounters.