Match Manta Esports Manta vs Bleed Esports BLD | 15.06

On June, 15 2024 10:09 (UTC) (1 week ago) Manta Esports and Bleed Esports will play a match within Regular Phase of the 2024 RES Regional Series: SEA #3 Dota 2 Championship

Manta current winrate is 20.00% against BLD's 40.00%.

Team Manta is ranked #132 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 83 places lower than BLD place #49.

Teams had no previous encounters.

Manta match line-up is Erice, akijiro, kimizu, JOTUN, chills bros have fun.
BLD line-up is poloson, zeal, Emo, JaCkky, Se.

Manta had 4 loses in a row. Whereas team BLD had 2 loses.