Match the hut hut vs Team Giga cringe TGC | 25.06

On June, 25 2024 22:30 (UTC) (6 days ago) the hut goes up against Team Giga cringe in the Qualifier Phase of the 2024 Elite League Season 2 Dota 2 Championship

Team hut is placed #53 among Dota 2 teams in ENSI.Rank which is 12 places higher than TGC place #65.

Teams had no previous encounters.

hut match roster is oldWhite, bgod, door, KK, 偶像派选手.
TGC roster is Licht, 国王, Mr.Achybones, J3r, apnea.

hut current winrate is 62.50% against TGC's 60.00%.

hut had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team TGC had 1 loses.