Match La Correntada LC vs Team Giga cringe TGC | 25.06

On June, 25 2024 18:25 (UTC) (6 days ago) La Correntada goes up against Team Giga cringe in the Qualifier Phase of the 2024 Elite League Season 2 Dota 2 Championship

Teams had no previous encounters.

Team LC will be represented by Monster, Rises, Theyna, Tony, BenjiMon Looking for me?. Whereas Team TGC is by Licht, 国王, Mr.Achybones, J3r, apnea.

LC had 2 loses in a row. Whereas team TGC had 1 loses.

Team LC (rank #123) is 58 places beyond TGC (rank #65).

LC current winrate is 20.00% against TGC's 60.00%.