Match Team BDS BDS vs Team Heretics HRTH | 09.06

On June, 09 2024 15:00 (UTC) (in 2 weeks) within Regular Phase of the 2024 League of Legends EMEA Championship Summer League of Legends Championship Team BDS and Team Heretics will carry out a clash

Team BDS is ranked #35 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 112 places higher than HRTH place #147.

The top dog for this one most likely will be Team BDS with maximum odd of 1.55 offered by Pinnacle.

Teams had 9 encounters in the past, BDS won 6 times. HRTH won 3 times.

Team BDS will be represented by Labrov, Sheo, Nuc, Adam, Ice. Whereas Team HRTH is by Jankos, Wunder, Kaiser, Zwyroo, Flakked.

BDS current winrate is 70.00% against HRTH's 30.00%.

BDS had 3 wins in a row. Whereas team HRTH had 3 loses.