Match Guasones GSNS vs Team Heretics Academy HRTS | 20.06

On June, 20 2024 16:06 (UTC) (1 week ago) Guasones goes up against Team Heretics Academy in the Qualifier Stage of the 2024 LVP Super Liga Summer League of Legends Tournament

HRTS doing well by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team GSNS performs with 30.00% winrate.

Team GSNS is placed #169 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 133 places lower than HRTS place #36.

Team GSNS will be represented by Xico, Ryuzaki, Nash, Banderas, Syzyfek. Whereas Team HRTS is by Xerxe, whiteinn, Sertuss, Jackspektra, Carlsen.

GSNS had 3 loses in a row. Whereas team HRTS had 1 loses.

Teams had 9 encounters in the past, GSNS won 2 times. HRTS won 7 times.