Match Vivo Keyd Stars VKS vs Los Grandes LOS | 16.06

On June, 16 2024 16:00 (UTC) (1 week ago) Vivo Keyd Stars and Los Grandes will play a match at the Regular Stage of the 2024 Campeonato Brasileiro de League of Legends Split 2 League of Legends Championship

Team VKS (rank #51) is 161 places above LOS (rank #212).

Teams had 7 encounters in the past, VKS won 6 times. LOS won 1 times.

Team VKS will be represented by SMILEY, Toucouille, guigo, ProDelta, Disamis. Whereas Team LOS is by Envy, Kabbie, Seize, SuperCleber, Celo.

VKS current winrate is 70.00% against LOS's 10.00%.

The top dog for this one looks to be Vivo Keyd Stars with the best odd of 1.15 offered by Pinnacle.

VKS had 1 wins in a row. Whereas team LOS had 1 loses.