Match Estral Esports Estral vs Isurus ISG | 25.06

On June, 25 2024 22:51 (UTC) (4 days ago) Estral Esports will fight against Isurus in the Regular Phase of the 2024 Latin America League Closing Season League of Legends Championship

Teams had 15 encounters in the past, Estral won 11 times. ISG won 4 times.

Team Estral will be represented by Josedeodo, cody, Snaker, Zothve, Ackerman. Whereas Team ISG is by Shadow, Gavotto, Pan, Kaze, Kingi.

ISG doing well by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team Estral performs with 40.00% winrate.

Team Estral is placed #27 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 57 places higher than ISG place #84.

Estral had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team ISG had 2 wins.