The Pokémon franchise has gained incredible popularity thanks to its collectible nature. This universe continues to expand with more creatures, and players across various projects strive to gather unique and rare heroes.

At present, the most popular game of the franchise is Pokémon Go, where the hunt for the rarest and most powerful creatures is a key feature. Among the most coveted is the legendary Mewtwo.

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Why do players so desire this creature? Currently, legendary Pokémon Mewtwo stands as one of the strongest characters in the game. It belongs to the Psychic-type, and having this hero on your team can ensure victory in most PvP and PvE battles. Moreover, it's hard to find another creature that could stand against it in a duel.

Important! Mewtwo appears in the game periodically. This is precisely why it's so valuable and rare. Keep an eye on game updates: this creature will surely return for a limited time in the future.

Now, we'll explain where to find Mewtwo in Pokémon Go and how to catch it. Note that Shiny and Shadow also exist, and we will discuss them as well.

How to catch Mewtwo


This character wouldn't be so valuable if it were easy to find. The most effective way to catch Mewtwo in Pokémon Go is through battling in 5-star raids. As you might have guessed, fighting this hero won't be easy.

A 5-star raid is a tough challenge that's incredibly difficult to pass. Even if you have a good friend with high-level Pokémon ready to assist, you'll still need a strong team of 4–5 people with the most powerful creatures.


Since Mewtwo is a Psychic-type, you'll need Pokémon of the Bug, Ghost, and Dark-types. It can avoid some of the damage from the Psycho Cut ability.

But that's not all. After a hard-fought victory over the boss, catching Mewtwo isn't guaranteed. Players will be given several Premier Balls to catch this character, but there's no assurance it will appear. Boost your capture likelihood by employing Razz, Golden Razz, and Silver Pinap berries.

You can also try to buy Mewtwo in Pokémon Go from another player. It sounds tempting, but the price will be exorbitantly high. Whether to spend Stardust or not is up to you.

Where to find Shiny Mewtwo

Shiny MewtwoImage:

Like most legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo has a shiny version. Experienced players know that this does not offer any battle advantages and only differs from the original in appearance. So why is it so valued? The reason is that such creatures are very rare in the game. Owning them is the desire of true collectors.

Catching Shiny Mewtwo is also possible in 5-star raids. If your boss is a Shiny Mewtwo, then you are guaranteed to get the character after the battle. So, there's no need to waste rare berries to increase your success.

The elusive Shadow Mewtwo

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This is an even rarer version of this Pokémon. Currently, Shadow Mewtwo is not available from any Team Rocket members, meaning it cannot be added to your collection at this time. The last time Shadow Mewtwo appeared in the game was in May 2023 during the Shadow Rising event.

Armored Mewtwo

Armored MewtwoImage: Pinterest

Armored Mewtwo is the rarest version of this Pokémon available to players. The character was created as part of a promotion for the release of an animated movie. However, Armored Mewtwo was so well-liked by fans that the character was added to the game. Now, the creature can only be traded, but the chance is incredibly slim, as few would part with such a rare Pokémon.

Enthusiasts hold a strong belief that Mewtwo's reappearance in Pokémon Go is imminent. Are you poised to embark on the quest for one of the game's most elusive and formidable entities?

Main image by Ensiplay