Match Movistar KOI KOI vs Guasones GSNS | 05.06

On June, 05 2024 17:51 (UTC) (in 2 weeks) within Qualifier Phase of the 2024 LVP Super Liga Summer League of Legends Championship Movistar KOI and Guasones will face in another clash

Most of bookmakers agree that the team Movistar KOI will win a Match with maximum odd of 1.44 offered by Pinnacle.

Previously team KOI had won over team GSNS 4 times, while Guasones had 2 victories over Movistar KOI.

Team KOI is placed #66 among League of Legends teams in ENSI.Rank which is 87 places higher than GSNS place #153.

KOI doing great by winning over 60.00% of their recent matches. While team GSNS performs with 30.00% winrate.

KOI match line-up is rhuckz, Maxi, Random, Marky, Shy Carry.
GSNS line-up is Xico, Ryuzaki, Nash, Banderas, Syzyfek.

KOI had 1 loses in a row. Whereas team GSNS had 1 loses.