Match Infinity Esports INF vs Isurus ISG | 09.07

On July, 09 2024 23:05 (UTC) (6 days ago) Infinity Esports goes up against Isurus in the Regular Stage of the 2024 Latin America League Closing Season League of Legends Championship

INF current winrate is 10.00% against ISG's 50.00%.

Teams had 17 encounters in the past, INF won 8 times. ISG won 8 times.

Team INF (rank #188) is 104 places beyond ISG (rank #84).

Team INF will be represented by SolidSnake, Buggax, Kz, Kiefer, Yerikan. Whereas Team ISG is by Shadow, Gavotto, Pan, Kaze, Kingi.

INF had 0 wins (last was draw) in a row. Whereas team ISG had 1 wins.