Apex Legends players have discovered techniques and exploits to enhance their movement, making it faster, smoother, and unpredictable to confuse enemies. One such technique is the mantle jump, which allows you to gain momentum and launch your character further. Though challenging for some, with practice, mastery is achievable, offering an advantage in battles. Here's how to mantle jump in Apex.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Mantle Jump Apex

In Apex Legends, mantle jumping involves a player executing a quick jump and triggering the "mantling" animation on a ledge to gain additional momentum. This results in the character jumping higher and covering more distance. The ziplines dotted around the map are frequently used by players to build up momentum before a mantle jump. This technique allows for greater mobility and strategic advantages in battles and exploration.

The mantle jump technique originally explained on the r/Apexrollouts subreddit by Reddit user the inside, involves the following steps:

Step 1: Leap from the zipline and head for the ledge.

Step 2: Press and hold the Crouch key and Forward while in mid-air to initiate the climb animation.

Step 3: Quickly tap the Backwards key to cancel the climb animation.

Step 4: Immediately flick down on the zipline.

Step 5: Simultaneously, execute a super jump on the zipline by pressing the Interact key followed by the Jump key while looking in the direction you want to move.

Step 6: Mastering this sequence allows you to gain extra momentum.

  • Achieving higher and further jumps.
  • Granting you an advantage in movement and combat within Apex Legends.

Apex Legends players have uncovered various movement techniques to enhance gameplay, including wall jumping, which facilitates faster, smoother movements and adds unpredictability, aiding in evading enemy gunfire.

Advanced Techniques for How to Mantle Jump Apex

Slide Jump

Combine a slide with the jump to build momentum before executing the mantle jump. This enhanced speed will result in higher and farther jumps, increasing your mobility and potential for strategic maneuvers.


While in mid-air during the mantle jump, utilize your movement keys to adjust your character's direction. This allows for better positioning, making it harder for opponents to predict your movements and granting you a tactical advantage in combat situations.

Mastering the mantle jump technique in Apex Legends can improve mobility and provide a tactical edge in battles. By incorporating advanced techniques like slide jumping and strafing, you can achieve greater momentum and make your movements unpredictable, giving you an advantage over your opponents. Practice is key to mastering this skill.

Main image: wall.alphacoders.com