In fast-paced battle royales like Apex Legends, mastering movement techniques such as slides, jumps, and strafes is essential for survival. The wall jump, though intimidating at first, becomes manageable when players understand its mechanics and practice enough. With determination, even casual players can effortlessly execute a wall jump in Apex Legends and enhance their gameplay.

How to Wall Jump Apex

Wall jumping in Apex Legends can be a game-changing movement technique, allowing players to navigate the battlefield with finesse.

Wall Jump ApexImage:

  • Look for a flat wall with enough space around it. This will give you the ideal surface for wall jumping.
  • Run towards the wall at a 45-degree angle to ensure a smooth and controlled jump.
  • As you near the wall, perform a slide jump and strafe towards it using movement keys while turning your mouse towards the wall.
  • The moment you hit the wall, press the jump button. Timing is crucial for a successful wall jump
  • For advanced players, binding the scroll wheel to jump can lead to faster and more precise wall jump in Apex Legends. 
  • To perfect the technique, practice the initial sequence of running at the wall, slide jumping, and releasing all keys/buttons upon hitting the wall.

When and How to Wall Jump Apex

Wall jumps are a versatile movement technique in Apex Legends. They can be employed to confuse enemies, swiftly approach or retreat from them, and gain a burst of movement speed or change direction rapidly. Additionally, wall jumps enable you to overcome obstacles like fences and terrain effortlessly. Surprise your opponents by using the element of height and unexpected angles during engagements.

Mastering the art of wall jumping in Apex Legends can significantly enhance your gameplay. With practice and understanding of the mechanics, you can maneuver around the battlefield, surprise opponents, and gain a tactical advantage in combat.

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