Netherite in Minecraft is a special material for creating weapons and tools, superior in quality to diamond.

At what height to look for netherite 


To obtain netherite, you need ore that can only be found in the "Nether World" or "Hell" (The Nether). First, it's necessary to find "Ancient Debris". They appear at random places in the "Nether World" at a height of 8–22 blocks. From these, scraps are crafted. How to make a netherite ingot from these scraps will be described below.

Remember: at least a diamond pickaxe is required.

How to obtain netherite via command

The identification code for the ingot is netherite_ingot, the full console command is as follows:

/give @p netherite_ingot 1

For "netherite scrap" and ancient debris, the identifiers are netherite_scrap and ancient_debris respectively.

How to make a netherite Ingot

First, ancient debris is smelted in a furnace to get scrap. A netherite ingot is made by crafting four scraps with four gold ingots.


What can be crafted from netherite ore

Any item that requires a netherite ingot in its creation is more resistant to lava and fire.

Netherite Armor

A set of netherite armor consists of a helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots. For their crafting, the ingot is placed after the corresponding diamond item. For example, to create a netherite helmet, a diamond helmet and one ingot are required.


The armor provides the same protection points as diamond, but its durability is significantly higher.

Netherite Sword

It has the highest DPS and durability. Crafted similarly to armor: take a diamond sword and a netherite ingot. All enchantments and curses will remain.

Netherite Tools

The hoe, shovel, pickaxe, and axe are made following the same principle: the diamond version of the tool is upgraded.


Other Netherite Items

You can also create a netherite block and lodestone. The first is used as fuel for a beacon or its base. The latter can be used to bind a compass to the block (right-click on this block with a compass in hand). The compass will always point to the block, no matter the dimension.

A netherite block is crafted from nine ingots, and for lodestone, one ingot and eight chiseled stone bricks are needed.

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