Cooking something tasty is always exciting, especially in the world of Minecraft. Previously, we taught our readers how to make an irresistible pumpkin pie. The appetizing dessert simply beckons.

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However, this article will focus on another sweet dish that will undoubtedly appeal to many players and those with a sweet tooth. We're talking about making a cake in Minecraft. How do you bake it? What benefits can the dessert offer? You'll find all the answers below.

What ingredients will you need?

Before moving directly to the cooking process, the user first needs to gather all the necessary items in their inventory. The image below shows all the resources that the player will need to find.

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Of course, let's not forget about the crafting table, as without this magical thing, practically nothing can be done in the cubic world.

To make a cake in Minecraft, it's best if the user has a farm, and not just one, because all the necessary resources can be obtained there. However, this is not a mandatory requirement.

Let's start with the chickens, which, just like in real life, will lay eggs. Every five to ten minutes, they delight players with the necessary resource. A player can comfortably go about their other activities if they have a farm, as the birds in the enclosure know what to do without the gamer's interference. Or they can choose to watch them for a while.

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Next, the character needs to obtain three buckets of milk. Note the last item: if you don't have it, then crafting skills will be required here. Iron is required for crafting, and three pieces will be used. The resource is laid out in the crafting table window in the shape of a "V", as shown in the picture below.

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You can't go to a store for milk, so you'll need to find a cow (or approach one on the farm). Holding a bucket in hand, right-click on the cow.

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The cake must be sweet, so sugar, which is obtained from sugar cane, will be necessary. Again, it will be easier for the player if they have a whole farm with this resource, but if not, you need to reach a body of water and find what is necessary there. Two pieces of sugar cane are needed to make sugar.

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Don't spend too much time looking for the plant, as it is practically everywhere.

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All that remains is the wheat. Farmers won't have anything to worry about because they have plenty of it. But what about the simple character who hasn’t yet dirtied their hands in the soil? Should they head back to the water? Or to distant lands? No, it's much simpler: the user can buy wheat at a village farm.

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Thus, the collection of all necessary ingredients is complete. Now it's time to answer the main question: how to make a cake in Minecraft?

Method of preparation

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We turn once again to the invaluable crafting table, whose slots are filled with all the resources previously gathered by the character. The bottom row is completely filled with wheat, followed by alternating sugar, egg, and again sugar. The top slots are filled with milk. For clarity, we attach a picture so that you don’t get anything mixed up.

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Everything is ready! No magic wands waving, no long waits, or nuances. Now you have delicious food that can satisfy eight types of hunger. The high caloric content in Minecraft plays a useful role!

We have reviewed the detailed crafting recipe. With our instructions, any player can treat themselves to an incredibly tasty cake in Minecraft!

Main image by Easy Diffusion