Esquire magazine has uncovered the current rates at the opening ceremony of Summer Game Fest 2024. The journalists obtained this information from several marketing specialists who wished to remain anonymous.

According to the article, one-minute slots to show game trailers during the ceremony would cost a quarter of a million dollars, and for five minutes, the companies have to pay $550,000. The same sources explained that equal rates applied to The Game Awards 2023 ceremony, which was also organized and produced by Geoff Keighley.

Esquire calculated that with these rates, the Summer Game Fest ceremony in 2023 brought in $9.65 million for the organizers solely from the trailers during the main show. However, the journalists noted that in the previous year publishers could pay less for trailers as rates might have been lower.

The journalists did not determine how much it costs to show shorter trailers, those less than a minute long. It's possible that the cost of displaying such clips is lower, as presentations often feature indie games.

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