Twitch has announced upcoming changes in subscription prices across more than 30 countries, including the US and some European states. The announcement was made on the streaming service's support social media channels.

The price increase will only affect Tier 1 subscriptions. In the US, the price will rise to $5.99 from $4.99, and in Slovakia and Slovenia, the increase will reach 43%. Despite the price hike, the revenue share for content creators from each subscription will remain the same, ranging from 40% to 70%, depending on their status. These changes will take effect on July 11.

Twitch representatives noted that this decision is aimed at helping creators build and grow their communities. However, some content creators are unhappy with the changes. One of them pointed out that raising the subscription price without offering additional perks to subscribers might discourage some users from subscribing.

The prices for Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscriptions remain unchanged for now, and the changes only apply to subscriptions purchased through desktop or mobile browsers. The price in the mobile app will change in a few months.

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