Recently, a former Twitch employee Cody Conners dropped a hint that streamer Guy Beahm, known as Dr Disrespect, was banned from the platform due to inappropriate messaging with a minor. While Cody didn't reveal any names, a big part of the community almost immediately tied that tweet to Dr Disrespect. Apparently, Conners' NDA with Twitch expired in June 2024, allowing him to finally disclose the incident, which had been widely covered in the media without specifying the reasons.

When bloggers began sharing Conners' statement, several insiders and journalists confirmed the information. Beahm himself noted the conflict had been resolved and that no wrongdoings were acknowledged. This response only worsened the situation, as many felt he did not outright deny the accusations.

On June 24, Dr Disrespect hosted a stream during which he announced an indefinite break from streaming and social media, citing burnout and a lack of enjoyment.

Following the stream, Midnight Society announced that they were terminating their relationship with Dr Disrespect. Guy Beahm co-founded the company and was involved in developing the online shooter Deadrop. He does not know when or if he will return as Dr Disrespect, or if he will continue streaming at all.

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