Baldur's Gate 3 continues to meet the high standards set for a "game of the year" title. The project is evolving, and developers are diligently working to fix errors. Given the game's vast scope, it naturally contains a fair number of minor bugs. Here are some changes introduced in the recent 19th hotfix:

  • Fixed certain dialogue lines with the Flaming Fist that were previously cut off,
  • as well as with the talking door in auntie Ethel's lair;
  • Fixed a potential software lockup when triggering the reaction UI in multiplayer mode;
  • Fixed certain conditions where items in "Tactician" mode did not disappear when switching to an easier difficulty level;
  • Fixed a performance issue that occurred at the start of trading in honor mode;
  • By popular demand, numbers have been restored to the sliders in character creation;

BG3Image credit:

  • Fixed a bug where "Group Stealth" also affected ungrouped party members;
  • Fixed a crash when loading modified saves that refer to unknown conditions;
  • Fixed a quick access panel bug when deactivating Metamagic during spellcasting;
  • Fixed mismatches in bonuses when making active throws with a controller.

However, the main news was not the hotfix, but a statement from publishing director Michael Dowse. Larian Studios is currently working on a robust cross-platform system for modifications. This will open up incredible creative opportunities for all fans of the game.

Main image by ensiplay