We keep getting closer to May 4, Star Wars Day, which is celebrated by millions of fans around the world. And what is a better place to celebrate this franchise than Fortnite, an ultimate crossover hub?

Recently, the official Fortnite X (ex-Twitter) account teased the iconic Star Wars character Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. And it totally makes sense that he will appear in Fortnite on May 3!

May 3 is an excellent date, as you will have time to download all the necessary updates to celebrate Star Wars Day. But could it be more than just a Chewbacca skin with his iconic Bowcaster? Considering the franchise that George Lucas built is so big, it would be unsurprising to see a big event.

Epic Games earlier dropped another teaser with a lightsaber present in LEGO Fortnite and the same date of May 3. We can say that with high probability, we're getting a big event across both Fortnite Battle Royale and LEGO Fortnite

Luckily, the wait won't be long. This Friday is going to be epic!

Main image: alphacoders.com