Warhorse Studios hosted a livestream where they announced their next game. The company unveiled Kingdom Come: Deliverance II. The sequel to the role-playing action game is set to release by the end of 2024 on PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5.

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, players will once again assume the role of Henry from Skalitz. While following his story, gamers will explore the open world of medieval Europe (15th-century Bohemia). The story revolves around Henry seeking vengeance for the death of his parents, gradually transforming from an ambitious soldier into a rebel.

Warhorse Studios stated that in Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, they have achieved everything they wanted to accomplish in the first game but couldn't due to lack of experience or time. The developers described the sequel as their dream game, into which they poured all their love.

The game world in Deliverance II is twice as large as the first part. Among other improvements are combat systems, flexible role-playing and reputation systems. Characters will react to the main character's actions and deeds, thus influencing the story's development and Henry's overall fate.

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