Gaming community suffered a huge loss. One of the main consultants when it comes to accessibility features in games passed away.

Brandon Cole's death was reported by his colleagues and loved ones on social media. The streamer had been battling melanoma for some time, and in late June, he was hospitalized due to a deterioration in his health.

Online, Cole was known by the pseudonym SuperBlindMan, as he was blind. He streamed on Twitch and YouTube.

In recent years, Cole was one of the key consultants in the gaming industry on accessibility issues for people with disabilities. Cole consulted with the developers of The Last of Us Part II, Forza Motorsport, and Mortal Kombat 1, as well as Ubisoft. Studios frequently released videos featuring Cole, where he spoke about the importance of making games accessible to as many people as possible.

Ensiplay expresses its deepest condolences to the family, friends and family of Brandon Cole. He helped many players and he will be remembered.

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