The release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is just a few days away, but some players couldn't resist and may have even spoiled the anticipation for others. The Deluxe edition of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has already started to reach players' hands almost a week before its release.

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The most interesting reveal from the Deluxe edition is the character costumes. Players who became the lucky owners of the Deluxe edition have published art illustrations showcasing various characters and their outfits.

Final Fantasy 7 RebirthImage credit: ensiplay

Reportedly, each character shown in the published art is expected to appear in the same guise in the game. This means players can anticipate a more expanded beach episode from the original and a reworked boss.

Final Fantasy 7 RebirthImage credit: ensiplay

The official release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is scheduled for February 29, 2024.

Main image by ensiplay