Aurelion Sol received several buffs in the LoL 14.3 patch, and his win rate soared a few hours later. However, the developers decided to bring the character back down to earth with a micro-patch nerf.

Due to Aurelion Sol's gameplay style, he remained in an ambiguous position among LoL players. Riot hoped to give players more reasons to choose Aurelion Sol in Update 14.3 by increasing his scaling potential with adjustments to all three of his non-ultimate abilities. The buff increased the bonus damage percentage from Breath of Light and significantly reduced the mana costs for Q and W.

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The intended compromise for his more powerful Q and W was a reduction in Stardust stacks for minion and neutral monster takedowns.

The win rate climbed to 56% within a few hours after the patch. During this time, Aurelion Sol became the fifth most picked mid-laner in the game.

Lead gameplay designer Matt Leung-Harrison wrote on X that a micro-patch would be implemented in a few hours to slightly nerf Aurelion Sol.

There is no information yet on which specific abilities the developers will nerf.

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