Ubisoft, the renowned French video game developer and publisher, has announced the date for their annual Ubisoft Forward presentation, which will showcase their upcoming projects. The event is set to take place on June 10th in Los Angeles and will be live-streamed on popular platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. During Ubisoft Forward, viewers can expect to see trailers, gameplay demonstrations, and other materials related to the company's forthcoming games.

Ubisoft Forward serves as a replacement for the company's traditional appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), which was previously held in Los Angeles and considered one of the gaming industry's premier events. However, in recent years, many major developers and publishers, including Ubisoft, have opted to host their own conferences to directly engage with their audience and present new projects in a format that suits them best.

Ubisoft Forward 2024Image: x.comIn addition to the game presentations, Ubisoft Forward may also touch upon topics related to the company's development, future plans, and potential surprises for the gaming community. Given Ubisoft's rich history and significant contributions to the industry, many fans are eagerly anticipating this event to discover what their favorite developer has in store for the near future.

Main image: Ensiplay