Soon after the Fallout TV series was released on Amazon Prime Video, the first reviews of the title came in. We must say, looking at the scores on both Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes, most of our fears vanished.

On Rotten Tomatoes, Fallout reached a very high rating of 93%. What did reviewers like? First of all, storytelling and atmosphere. The live-action adaptation managed to be entertaining without being dumb. Also, there are many Easter Eggs for hardcore Fallout fans.

Fallout takes the ideas of the games and crafts its own story in an already interesting world.
Zach Pope

On Metacritic, the Fallout TV Series has 72 points from professional reviewers and 7.9 from user reviews. And before you think of it as something in the middle, consider that Dune: Part One got the exact same user score and 74 points from reviews. When we talk about movies, the Metacritic score is significantly lower than the games.

"Fallout" delivers as an action series, a character study and a deep dive into the nature of family and trust.
Chicago Sun-Times 

So, it looks like Jonathan Nolan and his team nailed it. Different people might have different opinions, but huge thanks to all the producers, actors, and crew for not having a Uwe Boll-esque adaptation of the unique gaming franchise.

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