Activision has announced free access weekends for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, starting on February 8th.

The second season, which started on February 7th, is the first major update of 2024 for the first-person shooter and adds several new maps, a new battle pass, and new cosmetics.

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Free access will run from February 8th to February 12th, providing access to the new Stash House map, as well as eight other multiplayer maps. Additionally, it grants full access to Modern Warfare Zombies.

Season 2 itself adds a lot to the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. The second season introduces four new core 6v6 maps, including three brand new 6v6 maps and a Das Haus remaster. There are also two "otherworldly" themed map variants based on Skidrow and Terminal.

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There is also a new map for the "War" mode, where you will storm a skyscraper in the center of Urzikstan from the sky. Five new game modes (Team Gun Game, Snipers Only, Hordepoint, and Bounty, and Juggermosh), as well as the Vortex Playlist. Additionally, the game will feature a second season ranked play, a new ninja vest for silent running, and bonus knife and ammo for throwing stars.

As for zombies, the storyline continues: a new anomaly has appeared in the Exclusion Zone, The Second Fracture, with new missions and blueprints, and the warlord Keres has emerged.

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