Fans eagerly waited for the new version of Dota 2, and fans got what they wanted! Gameplay update 7.36 brings huge changes to the servers, and players will spend hours learning everything.

The change log is enormous, and we won't bother copying and pasting it. We also can't talk about the big impact on the meta, as it is hard to calculate it. Instead, we will highlight the most important changes.

First of all, all heroes now receive innate abilities. They are working since level one, and each hero has a different one with some of them being quite unique. For example, Dawnbreaker will destroy the fog of war for her team for 5 seconds each ten minutes when day replaces the night.

Second, and this is even more impactful, all heroes now have facets - customization options that you choose before the start of the game during the strategy time in the pick stage. Because of that, strategy time will last longer in the first three weeks, so the players will adapt with fewer difficulties.

Third, mana bars are now visible to enemies. A great quality of life improvement, as previously you needed to click on the enemy hero to know if he is able to fight back.

Finally, one of the important changes that can be overlooked, is that now dominated creeps don't bypass backdoor protection. Rat strategies are nerfed.

Also, together with 7.36, Valve released Act II of the Crownfall event. You can read more about it here.

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