Motoi Okamoto, producer of the Silent Hill 2 remake shared details about the development in an interview with Famitsu.

Some veterans of the series assisted the Bloober Team in the development: Okamoto himself, designer Masahiro Ito, and composer Akira Yamaoka. However, there were sometimes differing views on the remake among the colleagues. Bloober Team staff advocated for maximum adherence to the original, while the senior colleagues aimed to change as much as possible.

According to Okamoto, they did not want to make an exact copy of Silent Hill 2, so the remake could have been significantly different from its current version if it had been handled solely by Japanese developers. In the end, the colleagues found a compromise: the updated version remained true to the original but included new elements.

Many Western studios vied for the remake's development, but Bloober Team was chosen due to "its immense love for the series" and experience in the psychological horror genre. Okamoto knew the studio lacked experience in creating combat systems but believed the developers would overcome difficulties, partly due to their enthusiasm.

The remake will feature more monster battles than the original, but combat is not the defining part of the updated Silent Hill 2. Okamoto does not think players will have trouble with the gameplay, especially given the different difficulty levels.

The first battle in the remake occurs slightly later than in the original. Developers did not add new monsters, as each creature in Silent Hill 2 has its own significance. However, players will encounter variations of enemies with different techniques.

Interface elements will be customizable. James will also look at important items to draw players' attention to them. The remake will not have obvious markers like yellow paint that break immersion.

Bloober Team made changes based on feedback from testers and fans: for example, developers reworked the introduction. They paid special attention to James' emotions to ensure they did not appear excessive. Initially, James was made older in the remake, but the idea was abandoned. Now he more closely resembles the original version of the character.

The release of Silent Hill 2 remake is scheduled for October 8. The game will be available on PC and PlayStation 5.

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