Death Note is an iconic anime that has all the rights to be called an anime classic. It was a gateway anime for many teenagers in the middle of the 2000s, so it is unsurprising that different entities in gaming and esports are looking for collaborations with it.

Team Liquid has a long history of successful merch drops. They already have collections of Marvel Cinematic Universe, Naruto, and many others. Now, the time has come for another iconic title. 

Judging by the available photos, this collection will also be a hit. There will be different items, from T-shirts to warm jackets with gothic-style prints. Death Note has a unique visual aesthetic that is almost impossible to confuse with anything else.

The main question is the price. Such items don't come cheap, but previously there were not many complaints about the quality of the clothes. So, these items might as well be worth their money.

The collection will be launched on April 12, and Team Liquid promises early access to e-mail and Discord subscribers.

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