When Valve released nothing but a tweet on the twenty-fifth birthday of the franchise, people were wondering if infamous Valve Time is in action. One week later, the Counter-Strike team brought the big update with five new maps from the community.

First of all, the legendary fun map, Pool Day, is back to Counter-Strike! In CS2, you will be able to play arms race mode, and, to be honest, that is the best option for it. While players love the weapons dropped on the floor, the arms race might be the most appropriate mode as it offers too much of an open space.

We also have two new maps for Casual and Competitive modes, Thera and Mills. The former is created by FMPONE, who is known for Cache. The latter is based on a village in the Netherlands. Finally, we have two new maps for the Wingman mode: Assembly is set in a big hangar, while Memento is set in Italy during the wedding.

Finally, Valve lowered the requirements for calibration in Competitive mode (not to mix with Premier). Now, to get a skill group, you need to win only two maps, not ten as it was before.

Main image: counter-strike.net