While Valve is busy with improving Counter-Strike 2 in many aspects, the third party platforms experience the rise of interest and need to bring something new. The administration of the FACEIT platform released an update with a number of new features.

One of the main features of the update is the change in Elo calculation: the platform now takes into account individual statistics in a match when awarding Elo points — for example, if a player performs well in a losing match, fewer points will be deducted. This feature currently works only for players with FACEIT levels 1-9. 

Additionally, the platform's administration introduced a new queue type exclusively for verified players: only gamers who have subscribed and verified their identity can join this queue. Furthermore, the FACEIT team enhanced the smurf detection system, prioritized match searching, and updated the client.

In the Counter-Strike community FACEIT is keeping its top position as a matchmaking platform as currently the in-game Premier matchmaking has lots of issues.

Main image: faceit.com