Valve released a big update to Counter-Strike 2. The developers focused on different aspects of the game, added new features and reworked some maps. It is hard to highlight the most important change, as all of them are worth featuring.

Before the update, Vertigo was considered a T-sided map. A plant was designed in such a way that attacking team could smoke it out and easily plant bomb in a 5v5 situation without any open frags. This probably would not be the case anymore as Valve completely redesigned the location. It is hard to judge how the attack will execute tactics now, but the changes are big.

Second of all, Valve worked on game economy. Now T-side will receive $200 less when their bomb has been defused. This lessens the importance of the pistol round, as well as brings a much needed nerf to the T-side in general. Moreover, M4A4 now costs $3000 instead of $3100 and Incediary grenade is also $100 cheaper. However, the duration of the latter has also been nerfed.

Finally, Valve added the option to rent skins. When you open the new Kilowatt Case, you may now choose to receive one random skin out of the collection or rent the whole collection for seven days. While it may seem an interesting offer, it is worth remembering that after a week everything will disappear and there is an option to sell the skins that you have. So while collecting skins requires much more money, it is not necessarily expensive.

Finally, we have several HUD and Demo fixes, as well as new animations for chicken. Interesting priorities.

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