Recent reviews for Team Fortress 2 on Steam have become "mostly negative" over the past 30 days. At the time of writing, TF2 had nearly 24,000 recent reviews, of which only 24% were positive. This is the first time reviews had fallen to such a level.

According to SteamDB, TF2 received more than 20,000 negative reviews in just two days. This occurred after fans launched the FixTF2 campaign to draw Valve's attention to the bot problem on the game's official servers.  They state that playing on servers overrun by bots, which kick players, kill them with one shot, and so on, has become the norm. The likelihood of getting into a match with real people is not much higher than encountering AI-controlled opponents.

Fans created a petition that gathered over 215,000 signatures. The initiative's authors plan to send this document to the developers of Team Fortress 2.

Valve has yet to comment on the situation. The company has previously promised to address the bot issues in Team Fortress 2 but has not been able to completely resolve the problem. Players hope that this time the developers will take the issue more seriously, as the online shooter is currently in an almost unplayable state.

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